Where College Football Is Better Than the NFL

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The Area Where College Football Is Better Than the NFL

In most areas, professional football is far better than college football. The overall talent level is higher, as a lot of guys who were college stars are just role players in the pros and the NFL stars are the best of the best. The NFL has a much better playoff system — though college is starting to finally trend in that direction with the short playoff it uses now. Plus, the pros are able to work on their craft as a full-time job, so team execution is head and shoulders above college.

However, the problem with treating a game like a business is that it does become a business. Fans expect to be entertained. They come in expecting a high level of play and are quick to boo if they don’t get it. There’s a serious, business-focused atmosphere at a lot of pro games.

And that’s where college football is better. The pageantry and excitement is like nothing you’ll find in the pros. College towns go crazy on game days, people camp out in front of the stadiums, and the whole morning before the game is filled with tailgating, partying, and fun. The level of excitement is off the charts, and it creates an atmosphere that the pros can’t touch.

Part of it comes from the community atmosphere that is bred at a college game. Half of the fans are students and they feel a connection with the team that you don’t get at the professional level. With pros, these are players who are being paid handsomely to provide you with a product. With college, these are your classmates and friends, playing for free, for the love of the game. The town seems to come together before a game, the same way it does for high school football. Even for non-students who come and visit for the day, the excitement will draw you in!

Both pro games and college games have something to offer, which is why football is so huge at both levels, the most popular sport in the country. However, if you’re trying to find the best possible atmosphere, you’re probably going to find it at a big-time college game.

Another advantage is that a lot of college games come with cheap tickets, and we can hook you up with some excellent deals here at Headline Tickets. We have a ton of NCAA football tickets to pick from, we offer great prices, and we don’t have fees. The price you see is the price that you get. Take a look at the games near you today if you want to experience all that college football has to offer!