The Mizzou Tigers and the New Facial Hair Rule  

Bearded ManAll you have to do now that football season is here, is turn the channel to any game and see some crazy facial hair or insanely long hair. This is something that has brought much humor to games and has been a major talking point for many sports shows. This is prevalent in both college football and the NFL. However, the University of Missouri (Mizzou) students decided that they wanted to amp things up and start a “Beard and Mullet” movement where team members grew out their hair into mullets with some amazing beards to match. Many fans thought this was hilarious, but the fans and Mizzou Tigers’ center Evan Boehm were saddened to learn that the movement would go no further.

What Is The New Facial Hair And Long Hair Rule?

It turns out that this rule is more of a guideline than an actual rule. It is simply a move by the athletic department saying that the players are not allowed to grow their beards to rival any of the dwarves from The Hobbit, and their hair could not follow the “business in the front, party in the back” mentality. Apparently, this “rule” was made known to the football players when the movement first began, but many of the players attempted to push back and push until they were allowed to wear the beards and mullets out on the field. Unfortunately, their plan to keep pushing did not go well, and Evan Boehm and associates finally gave up the cause as lost. The team is heartbroken that their movement did not go further, but they sure are ready to prove that they are still one of the best in college football. 

Why Are The Mizzou Tigers Not Allowing The Beard And Mullet Movement?

No one is entirely sure why the Mizzou Tigers are not allowing this movement since facial hair, and long hair is a common occurrence on many football fields. Many believe that it is just part of keeping up appearances for the team as their coach, and the athletic department may want them to look more professional. However, many NFL players look quite similar to the “Beard and Mullet” movement! While saddened by this, the team is making sure that they still respect their coach, regardless of how letdown they are that this movement did not pickup steam with their coach or university. This does not mean that the team is not taking the opportunity to poke fun at their coach since many have decided to grow acceptable beards (none of those dwarf beards we see everywhere) and, well, shaving their heads in protest to mullets not being allowed. 

In Closing, Go See The Newly Clean Cut Team In Action!

Are you a fan of the Mizzou Tigers? If you are, then you should take this opportunity to see the players in action with their shaven heads and trimmed beards as they play throughout the college football season. Who knows, maybe the coach and athletic department will open up to the movement and we might yet see mullet and beard wielding football players at their best! Pick up your Mizzou Tigers tickets from Headline Tickets, today!